Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My baby turns 1 today!

happy birthday baby girl

On January 5th, 2009 the Kennedy family welcomed a new addition to our family... making us a family of four. At 2:14am in the morning baby Charlotte Juniper was born at Grand River Hospital in Kitchener. And to think...it all started with a meal at Taco Bell..yes, being pregnant makes you crave gross things :) In short... this is how it went.
  • 5pm... eating Taco Bell with Kevin and Sophia... first contractions started.
  • 7pm... sent Sophia off to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the night cause we new baby K was coming. (contractions 7min apart)
  • 10pm... called midwife because contractions were 3min apart
  • 11:30... midwife arrived at home... contractions were 1-2min apart
  • 12am...arrived at hospital
  • 12:30am...had a jacuzzi bath to help contractions and waiting for second midwife to come.
  • 1:45am...water broke
  • 2:14am... after what seemed like an eternity of pushes and labor pains... Charlotte Juniper came relatively quickly into this world... and we were thrilled. The midwife was impressed, because within 30min we were already talking about having another baby :)
Jan 5th 2009

At 12pm the next day... Kevin, Charlotte and myself went home to rest and wait for Sophia to come home. When Sophia met Charlotte for the first time... she looked at us all perplexed and said " Mommy... she doesn't talk!" we giggled and told her that she would help teach Charlotte how to talk and walk... Sophia has been a great help over the last year. Other then snitching her toys and sometimes being a little rough, she's been an A+ sister.

Here are a few pictures taken one for each month showing the growth of my little girls adventure to becoming One!

12 months at a glance

We Love You Charlotte!
Happy First Birthday!


Tia Colleen said...

Awww, precious little Charlotte. Happy birthday!! You're growing into a gorgeous little girl <3

PS. Charlie told me to type that last line. *wink*